
Children's Education and Ministry at Watkinsville First United Methodist Church

At Watkinsville First United Methodist Church, we offer programs of Christian Education that focuses on the spiritual development of children and their families.

Sunday Morning


8:45am, 10:00am, and 11:00am Rooms 202, 204

Children from birth to 3 years old share in a time of play with our faithful leaders. Nursery is available during the Worship and Sunday School hours.

 Children’s Church

8:45am and 11:00am Room 208

Children Ages 4 years to 1st Grade are invited to leave the sanctuary during the sermon for an age appropriate message. On the first Sunday of the month, children will return to their families for Communion.

Sunday School

10:00am Rooms 207, 208, 209

Age based Sunday School groups are available for PreK-5th grade children. Each week a video from the Deep Blue Curriculum introduces the bible story for the day. Children participate in skits, art projects, songs, and                                                                           discussion about the story. 







Elena Mitchell, Director of Children's Ministries



Thank you for your interest in our church!